Finding a Collaborating Physician in Michigan

Detroit, Michigan, USA skyline

The regulatory landscape for Nurse Practitioners (NPs) can be difficult to understand. However, Zivian handles all the challenges of finding a collaborating physician so that you can focus on providing care. If you are an NP trying to find a collaborating physician in Michigan, we’ve got you covered.

The state of Michigan requires nurse practitioners to collaborate with a physician. Michigan is classified as a Restricted Practice Authority state. 

In this post, we break down state regulations and key considerations to establish a meaningful collaboration with a physician in the Wolverine State.

Note: State regulations and requirements are subject to change. Always check with your state medical or nursing board to confirm the most up-to-date information.

What is the Practice Environment for NPs in Michigan?

In which category does the state fall: NP independent practice, transition to independence, or collaboration required?

Nurse practitioners are required to have a collaborating physician.

Delegation Authority and Process

Is an agreement required?

A “written authorization” is required to delegate the prescribing of controlled substances.

What form of agreement is required and what are the requirements for the substance of the agreement?

Contact us today to learn more about the components of a collaboration agreement in Michigan! 

Where must the agreement be stored?

The delegating physician shall keep a written authorization at the delegating physician's primary place of practice.

Does the agreement need to be filed with the state?

There is no requirement.

Are there requirements to file the agreement after the initial filing (e.g., for updates or on a specified frequency)?

There is no requirement.

Who must sign the agreement?

There is no requirement.

How often must the agreement be reviewed/reauthorized?

The agreement must be reviewed annually. The delegating physician shall review and update a written authorization on an annual basis from the original date or the date of amendment, if amended. The delegating physician shall note the review date on the written authorization.

What are the qualifications for the collaborating provider (licensure, same scope, active practice in state, etc.)?

The collaborating provider must be a Michigan licensed physician.

What are the qualifications for the NP?

Michigan NPs are defined as RNs that are granted specialty certifications. Michigan NPs may practice independently within the scope of practice but there is not a well defined scope of practice in Michigan.

“Nurse practitioner” means an individual who is licensed under part 172 of the code, MCL 333.17201 to 333.17242, as a registered nurse, who is certified by the board to use the title nurse practitioner, and who focuses on the performance of comprehensive assessments, providing physical examinations and other health assessments and screening activities, and diagnosing, treating, and managing patients with acute and chronic illnesses and diseases. 

Nursing care provided by a nurse practitioner includes ordering, performing, supervising, and interpreting laboratory and imaging studies; prescribing pharmacological and nonpharmacological interventions and treatments that are within the nurse practitioner's specialty role and scope of practice; health promotion; disease prevention; health education; and counseling of patients and families with potential, acute, and chronic health disorders.

Is an alternate collaborating physician required?

There is no requirement.

A nurse practitioner smiling with arms crossed

Collaboration Requirements

Are there ratios/limits on the number of NPs that a collaborator may supervise or enter into collaboration agreements? 

There is no requirement.

Is there an express requirement to review a certain number / percentage of charts?

There is no requirement.

Is there a requirement to meet and, if so, how often?

There is no requirement.

Are there proximity requirements (e.g., between the NP/collaborator or practice site)?

No requirement.

Are there location-specific requirements (e.g., that collaborator must go to practice site at some frequency)?

No requirement.

Is remote supervision allowed/are there limitations on remote supervision?

Remote supervision is permitted.

Prescription Requirements and Controlled Substance Prescribing

What are the prescription requirements?

There are no specific requirements for prescribing non-controlled substances.

What are the requirements for controlled substance prescribing?

A delegating physician may authorize an NP to issue multiple prescriptions allowing the patient to receive a total of up to a 90-day supply of a schedule II controlled substance.

A delegating physician shall not delegate the prescription of a drug or device individually, in combination, or in succession for a woman known to be pregnant with the intention of causing either a miscarriage or fetal death.

If an NP prescribes a controlled substance, both the NP and the physician’s DEA registration numbers shall be used, recorded, or otherwise indicated in connection with that prescription.

Find a Collaborating Physician with Zivian Health

Zivian handles all the challenges of compliance so that you can stay focused on providing great patient care.

If you are in need of a collaborating physician, contact us today!


Mich. Admin. Code R 338.2411.

Mich. Admin. Code R 338.119.

Mich. Admin. Code R 338.10401.

MCL § 333.17211a.

MCL § 333.17212.

MI DHHS Bulletin, 19-10


Questions to Ask a Potential Collaborating Physician


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